Pip Honour - A wellness journey and a travelling adventure.

Creating a confident body image, mindset and setting up her own business during her travels through Europe, South Africa, India and Sri Lanka.

About Pip

Pip Honour is a Wellness Coach and Meditation Teacher. She works with women 1:1 and in groups to help them create more Confidence, Clarity and Calm in their worlds. Her work is grounded in the belief that transforming your mindset will create positive and lasting change.

Pip went on a six month adventure spending 2 months in Europe - Italy, Croatia, France, Germany and Hungary, 1 month in South Africa, 1 month in India and 1 month in Sri Lanka before returning to Australia to grow her life coaching business.

What I’ve experienced is to be treasured by me.
— Pip Honour

When coming home...

  • Emotions Pip faced - Excitement and nervousness although felt ready to return home. Deflated. Frustration.
  • What had changed - Her work and work environment from corporate to her own business. Not having a regular monthly pay check.
  • How Pip supported herself - She got a puppy and took time to be appreciative for everything she had.
  • How did her mindset change - Gained perspective. She didn't need a lot to live life.
  • 3 Lessons learned from travel and reverse culture shock
  1. Continue to be open minded and be considerate of others.
  2. We get to choose how we create our life.
  3. Remain present.
  • Advise to herself for returning home - Consistancy and routine is so important and also plan your next trip to keep your adventure alive.
By going on this big overseas trip, I felt a real sense of perspective and the simple life that I really want to create.
— Pip Honour


Website: www.piphonour.com Scroll to the bottom of Pips home page to access your Self Retreat Freebie from Pip.

Pips Instagram: @piphonour

Facebook: piphonour

We are our own creators and we get to make our own decisions and when we sit in this space its really really empowering.
— Pip Honour